Below you will find a number of books which were important for my own development. They remain to me an inspiring source and I will use them during coaching, lectures and workshops.
Radical Forgiveness: Making room for the miracle
Author: Colin C. Tipping
To forgive is just complete if it is going along with insight from the heart and without any form of moralizing. With the “story of Jill” at the beginning of the book Colin Tipping is clearly and intrusive entering into the opposition, the lessons which Jill created for herself. Look at it differently is very much applicable here.
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue
Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Suppose you could talk with God, ask Him everything and that he would answer all your questions …. In this book the author is writing about his conversations with God. They are about the human beings, about good and evil, about work, love, the sense of life and all kind of subjects. The message is mainly that man is the creator of his own life.
A new earth; awakening to your life’s purpose
Author: Eckhart Tolle
We easily identify ourself with work, country, illnesses, religions and other kind of convictions and as a result we do not move anymore. Identification is a thing from the mind. Tolle is writing about awareness as a thing from the heart.